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My Crown

By Nahva Follman

Editor in Chief/ Divine Strategy


To cover my hair is a Privilege, not a burden and I treat it as such 

If you have met me before or seen my video's you know I fully cover my hair with a scarf/mitpachat.  I came to the decision about nine years ago to give up my wig and I never regret my decision.  For the upcoming Chag, I am looking for inspiration for a festive head covering, I usually stay with my style but hey you never know. 

Below I listed some of the links to beautiful hair coverings just in case you want to try

Your Style: About
Woman in a Hat

The Regal Head Covering Choice

Nahva Follman

Editor in Chief/  Life Strategist

The Divine Strategy

Your Style: News and Tips
mitpachat 1.jpg

I have personally been an exclusive headscarf/hat wearer for the past 8 years or so.  To those women who have made the choice to fully cover their hair with Mitpachot, as opposed to the more stylish and accepted wig covering, “I take my hat off to you”.  As a woman who cares about how she looks, I can sympathize with the challenge of finding the right matching headscarf/hat covering to achieve the desired “look”.  On the other hand, I have been told as well as see, that those of us who do take pride in how we cover, knot, match and fashion our scarfs, the end result is absolutely regal.  For those of you considering the option, I highly recommend it.

Wigs on Display

 Your home wig care 

Nahva Follman
Editor in Chief/  Life Strategist
The Divine Strategy

The financial pressures as well as the many lockdowns we are all experiencing may leave our wig care as a second priority.  Follow these simple steps to get your wig ready for Yom Tov.  

 The  proper way to wash your wig 

Avoid rubbing the shampoo into the wig. it will wear out the wig and damage the netting.

Follow these techniques when washing your wigs:


Brush out all the knots from your wig from top to bottom including at the nape. 

Soak your wig in a mixture of shampoo and water for a few minutes.

Step Two.

With a large-tooth comb that will not pull out the hair, gently run the shampoo mixture evenly through the wig in straight-line motion from top to bottom.  

Step Three:

 Gently wash the wig under a cool stream of water until the water runs clear of any shampoo or residue. 

Repeat the process with conditioner, using less on wavy, curly wigs.

STEP Four 

 Air dry your hair.  Using a hairdryer especially to an untrained eye can burn and permanently damage the wig. Using your curling iron can also permanently damage the hair. For the wavy, curly look use non-heating curlers.  

Avoid using drug store products on your wig.  If you use any sort of chemical say the experts at "ultimate looks" make sure you use products specially designed for wig use. 

Your Style: Welcome
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